Monthly Archives: December 2019

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Just thought that some of you may not remember that tomorrow is not only New Year’s Day 2020, but it is also the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, which is a Holyday of Obligation in the Catholic Church. Just a friendly reminder!

Settling in for New Year’s

Don’t plan to leave the house anymore today. It’s safer because traffic will be heavy, and some of those drivers shouldn’t be on the road. I live in a very quiet senior community where the sidewalks are rolled up early. However it has always amazed me how many of these folks are up at midnight to set off their fireworks! Go figure! Anyhow HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!

A New Year

OK, folks! It’s a new year and I have made some sort of resolution to publish more on this blog this year. On my other platforms I avoid any controversy, but I throw some in on this blog. Let us pray for our country and for each other. Let us treat each other with civility, respect and kindness.