Monthly Archives: March 2017

Laetare Sunday

Today is Laetare Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The word means “Rejoice!.” It is a brief pause as we continue with our Lenten observance, a pause to rejoice because we know the Easter Feast is approaching.

The Responsorial Psalm today is the 23rd Psalm, which we have all known from childhood. “The LORD is my shepherd.”

Perhaps we can take a few moments sometime today to meditate on this Psalm and its meaning and application in our lives.

If you read the Psalm thoughtfully, you might see God’s loving presence and care for us:
1. Throughout life.
2. At the time of death.
3. Into eternal happiness.

Pray for Cincinnati

Let us pray for those killed and injured in another senseless shooting rampage. When will it end? Apparently they are still trying to find out why it happened. Let us pray that it is not terrorist activity.

Praying for London

Another senseless disregard for human life has occurred in London, England, right outside the Parliament building. People were run over by a car, shots being fired while all of this was going on. Then a police officer was stabbed outside the building. The perpetrator was shot, unknown if killed. Let us pray for all those affected. Let us pray for the people of London and all in Great Britain. Motive not known at this time, but is being treated as a terrorist attack. More to come when available.

Trying to start again!

Haven’t been at this in a couple of years, but will try to start blogging again. Can’t say how often!